Monday, November 28, 2011

Respect and Manners

Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am, instead of what? huh? eh? you should say Sir? or Ma'am? I even answer my two little girls with ma'am.  Manners are dying.  It was evident to me the other night when I was out with a girlfriend who I had not seen since this summer.  I guess even with my height, wedding ring, and very standoffish body language towards men I must still look juvenile.  I was standing on a patio, chatting with an old friend when I hear "HEY GIRL" no not the "heyyyyyyyyyyy girl" you get when people are trying to hit on you.  This person who was close in age to me and old enough to know better was trying to get my attention by saying "HEY GIRL."  First off I have NOT thought of myself as a girl in a very long time. I'm a grown woman with bills, children, a husband, and life.  So I did what I thought was best, I ignored him.  Until this ill-mannered guy walks over and taps my shoulder and proceeds to ask "Where do I know you from? my girlfriend said you look familiar."  At this point I'm floored at his behavior.  I cannot even get my thoughts in order to speak because I've been so offended.  Thankfully, my old friend, who happens to be a military man steps in. (Thank the Lord for our Troops) He says firstly "She's not a girl and she has a name.  If you do not know that name call her ma'am."

This whole scenario has so much wrong with it.  What guy or man in his right mind just yells across a bunch of people to someone he doesn't know?  Secondly you do NOT put your hands on someone to get their attention.  You clear your  throat and say "excuse me."

While on the subject of manners and respect what happened to men opening doors for women? or holding a door for a woman? or just a person holding a door for another person? I'm only 25 but I do remember when not saying ma'am or sir to someone older than you was disrespectful.  It still is to me. I don't know how many times I have had groceries in one arm and a child on my hip trying to get to my car or house and there be someone standing there just watching me struggle. Regardless of how old a person is or their gender and you see them struggle you should have the common decency to ask if they need help.

God help us all! Not only is chivalry dead but so are manners and respect.

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