Saturday, April 21, 2012

At Peace

I have traveled such a long rocky road this last year.  It's funny my life may be in more disarray than before but I am at peace with the way life is turning out.  It's amazing how someone like myself can just be fine with the chaos.  Walking away from something you have dedicated yourself too for years can be both the easiest and most difficult decision.  Out of sheer stubbornness I thought I could will something to what I wanted.  People don't work that way, and even if they did it would not be fair. Now I guess I will actually start my journey through this life.  I've come to see that I have not been living, I have been existing.  It's time to find myself and just be happy.  I don't think feeling sorry for myself is going to fix anything.  I do, however, know that I have a lot of adjusting to do.  Who knows maybe (gasp) it will actually be interesting.

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